LIVSN 2025 Sneak Peek
One Quarter Century Down, Couple More to Go
We wrapped up 2024 a few weeks ago, and now it's time to look ahead at eveything we have in store for 2025 in LIVSN land.
We've got new products, colors, fits, fabrics, stories, and so much more in store for you all this year. Maybe it's just that new year's excitement, but we really think we have the pieces, products, and people in place to make this year our best yet.
Speaking of people, we'd like to thank you all for helping get this far. Last year, our industry experienced some headwinds, but thanks to our passionate, supportive community, we were able to sail through to today mostly unscathed and all the wiser for it.

Intentional New Products Releases
We've always believed when it comes to fashion, the slow, intentional route is the best. Our design philosophy is to take our time, dial in the details, and only release products that serve a distinct purpose to justify their production costs.
Our crowdfunding campaign with our pals over at Gnara last year resuled in the Ecotrek Overalls, and the early response has been beyond exciting. So much so, we're happy to say they are being added to our permanent line rotation, available now and more sizing and color options to be released as the data pours in.

We also look to continue rounding our our line with functional, versatile tops in both men's and women's versions. For fan's of the Keystone Longsleeve, that same Versa fabric will be used again later this year.
We also have a shirt that's long sat in development, ideal for splashing around near waterways, and that will be hitting the shelves in just a few months. With a unique sourcing story and a bevy of understated features, we're confident that when things heat back up, this new product type will be an audience favorite for those long days beneath the sun.
Our shorts will continue to receive similar treatment, with a relaxed fit option for men's, and a more athletic design for women's.

And, of course, more colors in products you already know and love. We don't rush these decisions, as we want everything in our line to play well with one another visually.
However, there is one release certain segments of our audience will be relieved to hear will be returning at last. Those in the service industry who just appreciate dark apparel's timeless beauty rejoice.
After years of external inquiries and internal campaigning by yours truly, I can confirm that, yes, our long-awaited Black Flex Canvas Pants will return to our lineup this fall.

Telling the Story of Products and People
We've always said that our products are for people who value experiences over stuff. After all, our namesake Livsnjarature translates to,"one who lives and enjoys life deeply". In our biased opinion, this is a beautiful sentiment and one we'd like to explore in greater detail.
So this year, we're digging deeper into storytelling.

When it comes to product story, all too often they are abandoned as soon as the intial rush dies down or sale is made. We want to explore and make all the possible details surrounding a product's inception, development, production, and arrival available to give you a better idea of the whole process and system surrounding its creation, something we feel passionate about putting out into our world.
After the product comes the people who will use it, and we want to tell these stories with the same vigor. After all, we create apparel not as an end in itself, but as something that enables people to do what they love. So whether you hike, fish, bike, climb, camp, or honestly just like being comfy on the couch while you doodle in your notepad, we're honored to be a small part in your story.
We want to throw open those doors of communication between a brand and a community, whether you prefer to express through words, photos, videos, or any other medium, we want to hear about it.
Sharing stories excites us, and we want to use our platform to stoke enthusiasm, as you never know how your story might be just the little push another needs to begin their own.

Further Steps on Production Transparency (and more B-Corp Advances)
Last year, we codified and made considerable advances in the realms of our sustainability initiatives and public access.
If you've visited the new Sustainability tab on our website, we spruced things up quite a bit. This year, we'll continue to fine tune and update our Product Impact Reporting, give updates on our suppler Code of Conduct implementation, along with our office resource tracking.
The final confirmation of full acceptance and accreditation of our B-Corp filing status should arrive any day. Our mission to create products and systems that minimize harm to the planet and people while maximizing function has always been at the heart of our company's beliefs, but now it will be even moreso at the forefront of all our decisions large and small.

The LIVSN Loop
We know a lot is going on in the world, and we are but a small outdoor brand within a much larger context of our industry and the ever-expanding cosmos.
Still, little pebbles eventually add up to make mountains, and we want to foster positive feelings and outcomes with our actions. Our physical products are the most direct example of this, but no brand is just what they sell. Our community is our cornerstone, and we are well poised to expand at the right pace and direction while maintaining a close connection with what got us off the ground.
From our weekly Soapboxes, roundups, live Q&A sessions, brand ambassadors, retailers across the country (and their employees), and supporters worldwide—whew—we're looking for avenues to connect so we can all enjoy life deeply and well (whatever that might mean and look like for you).
Sound good? Then, stay in the LIVSN loop, and we'll keep you posted on our successes, failures, and everything in between.
Until then, onward to that beautiful horizon ahead!